About Me

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This one is the most frequently updated columns in my profile..Its not that I keep changing..but that I discover more of me with time... Sometimes I kind of get lost in my thghts in the world which I call my own...while ppl get lost in territories unknown to them ! Its not that I run away from reality...but isnt the wrld in dreams a better choice? I live a happy and hassle free life.Reason-I have a bad memory Confusion has been a constant companion in my life...to the extent that I love being confused..:-) Talking about love..I love myself, I love the ones who hates me..and also love the ones who doesnt know me because its costs me nthng.... :-)Thats how I am nd canot be changed..I am not evrythng I wish I could be but I am everything I need to be.I am just me and I like it that way..:)I don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.Sochti hi jyada,Kam main samjti huan...Dil kuch kehta hain,kuch aur he karti huan.. I have realized...Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.Evrythng that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thought Process

I am sitting in a chair where my eyes were busy looking at a “Connect-IT” a software application which is showing me a error “ Error while processing event with Id '4cc86cce04bb6802': 'Cannot execute application: axces.database\r\nUnrecoverable error in application ”, and my short Brain is busy analyzing and trying to get the root cause as it needs to be fixed. SUDDENLY I dropped myself back into the chair closed my eyes ……….I am visualizing a million of instructions running in my so called HEAD as shown in movies :-). Suddenly not sure what happened started thinking of many other things… which I am documenting below.

• Why the hell am I acting here?

• What are my Interests?

• What am I doing?

• Why am I doing?

Are the questions I had for myself. To be BOLD my Interests are different and definitely not SOFTWARE.I am doing all these because I only know these and nothing else. Obviously I am doing all these things from Morning 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM for somebodyelse, for DOLLARS instead or RUPEES. Next set of questions in my mind.

• Why do I Need DOLLORS?

• Am I happy with DOLLORS?

For Friends, Relatives and Parents Dollors makes the difference and surely not for me. I cannot drive a car which is a passion of mine, I cannot eat PANI PURI when I like too, I cannot take a FAMILY out for dinner, I cannot feel the reactions of friends when they need me or when I am in NEED, BUT I can Gift a car to my DAD, I can order Pani puri online to somebody who like it back in there, and can buy gifts online and can never see the first expressions of my friends when they receive them. What all I can do is go to Office with a ironed SHIRT and a neat Trouser with a costly tie and polished shoes and act professional, will get some time on Weekends but most of the time I use it for updating my skill set or exploring on the existing issues or a watch a damm movie online. And doing all for DOLLORS which I would get MONTHLY ONCE and try to save it for OTHERS during the rest of the MONTH.

DAD did you do a mistake EDUCATING me and killing my freedom? and u should have encouraged me in other things. This is not a question to my dad alone but to all the parents…”are you educating your children only for Earning” I am not saying that my parents were doing it, I am telling that I don’t have any other options apart from doing it.

Suddenly another sharp turn in the Process. I started thinking about friends and society. A bitter one to digest… I have seen some quotes like “friendship is the rain bow between 2 hearts..” something like this..and I laugh heavily at them. I classified people into 2 different sections, 1) The section of people who interests me 2)The section of people who doesn’t interest me. I completely ignore the 2 group coz I am not interested. I give at most Importance to the group one irrespective of their thoughts on me. I laughed at me when my friends say “he is a best friend , he did not do this though I give him a lot of importance … he ditched me …” chill pill guyz the so called friend is your selection and your interest. To me “ No one will help you at the cost of his interests or his life, there is no point for him to help you, Everything is done with an expectation, its upto you how you receive it” . I will never forget the help I received from someone with whatever intention it is done. To me what matters is I am benefited from them at some point of my life cycle and I will make sure that I will add some value to their lives at some point.

when you say "you are one of my good friends"  or" ur my good friend". Think  what are you trying to do here..............

Yeah DAMMMM still I am yet to complete my Work and stuff Guyz ......:-(
Rest of the things after the break..


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