About Me

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This one is the most frequently updated columns in my profile..Its not that I keep changing..but that I discover more of me with time... Sometimes I kind of get lost in my thghts in the world which I call my own...while ppl get lost in territories unknown to them ! Its not that I run away from reality...but isnt the wrld in dreams a better choice? I live a happy and hassle free life.Reason-I have a bad memory Confusion has been a constant companion in my life...to the extent that I love being confused..:-) Talking about love..I love myself, I love the ones who hates me..and also love the ones who doesnt know me because its costs me nthng.... :-)Thats how I am nd canot be changed..I am not evrythng I wish I could be but I am everything I need to be.I am just me and I like it that way..:)I don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.Sochti hi jyada,Kam main samjti huan...Dil kuch kehta hain,kuch aur he karti huan.. I have realized...Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.Evrythng that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I started writing this with anger, inadequate anger. Today morning I woke up to see a fb feed from a cousin as a part of her writing “ A bike drove past us. Before I realized what had happened the guys on the bike got away. One of them grabbed my breast”. I was astonished by her guts putting this in black and white and in a social platform. That feed I read was constantly effecting my meetings and my work. Now, I have to keep the work aside and start typing here in this blog.

Ages back, The place we today live is all animals of different species types, small, big, clever, cruel, intelligent etc and humans never existed then. It took ages and centuries for animals to evolve to humans and remember all the ones you see around today may not be Human but a WILD ANIMAL in human skin out there, so its always YOU versus the UNKNOWN wild animal in dark that will ripple you one day. Physically and socially weak you girls are its soft targets. These attacks differs on which animal he inherits. It has nothing to do with the dress you were, or the perfume you spray. 

If anyone say, he is provoked by your dress, physical appearance, curves, breasts or bums , then the only solution is to ban the fucking clothes and become damn fat. So all the world can roam naked with all sizes and different variety bums, tummys, dicks and tits. And at some point we all walk naked and Once everything becomes a norm he has nothing to explore or exploit. Then its all naked men and women he sees every day and may not have any wicked fantasies or wild thoughts. 

Okay enough about this animal, but what about us ? when such things happening around. I know, We have 2 choices . one is to hide your face and act as if nothing happened, the other is to record the scene and share it on the social platform and then act, shout, resist, hashtags. The end result is, we are increasing the count of such videos and at some point we quickly forget the incident because its not US or OUR family, few ppl around enjoys these videos you share, they will enjoy the visual treats of exploiting by satisfying the animal in them.

The biggest problem is none speaks, in other words we as a society never gave that freedom to express these issues. We a fucking sheep, will wait for someone to come out of the flock and then we follow the  hashtags, candles. I am much specific about the word “Society” it is not HE or HER or THEM , it is all us and we are that assholes. Did you ever wonder why you always hear such things happen to your friends daughter or your neighbor sister or your colleague wife? But never to your family? .Its because you are either a bastard or a bitch who never cultivated the right atmosphere allowing them to share such things in the family, I bet atleast 99%  girls face this exploitation at some point, this includes my wife, sister, mother and yours too. 

When such things happens, the convenient way is to blame the victim.. ”You should have avoided that route” “you should have took your bro” “You should have not worn that deep neck”  and guys don’t be stupid in saying these are the root causes. If these are the root causes can you guarantee me that no rapes and molestation happen if the women are fully and loosely covered? Do you think these thinks stops ?.

Isnt the ANIMAL that is the rootcause? Why don’t our discussion be the animal on how to identify it? How to tame it? How to hunt it? .Now don’t fire stupid questions like “How do we know they attack” “who are they”…etc.We today say, we are super humans studying  about mars, putting rockets in space, hyperloops..but don’t you think we just need a fraction of that interest or technology to start addressing these heavily emotional issues.

I know we are Humans and offcourse the selfish ones. We are okay as long as the animal is on the roads and looking for others, until it knocks our door. Remember dude, once it knocks your door all you have to do is to offer your Wife, Sister or your Mother and later forget that moment. Don't feel safe or relaxed saying I have no women home, it may grab your balls.

Atleast react when that happens infront of you, try to approach the victim, if possible reciprocate atmost you get a slap, kick or blow which can be erased easily when compared to the wound they leave on a victim.

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