About Me

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This one is the most frequently updated columns in my profile..Its not that I keep changing..but that I discover more of me with time... Sometimes I kind of get lost in my thghts in the world which I call my own...while ppl get lost in territories unknown to them ! Its not that I run away from reality...but isnt the wrld in dreams a better choice? I live a happy and hassle free life.Reason-I have a bad memory Confusion has been a constant companion in my life...to the extent that I love being confused..:-) Talking about love..I love myself, I love the ones who hates me..and also love the ones who doesnt know me because its costs me nthng.... :-)Thats how I am nd canot be changed..I am not evrythng I wish I could be but I am everything I need to be.I am just me and I like it that way..:)I don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.Sochti hi jyada,Kam main samjti huan...Dil kuch kehta hain,kuch aur he karti huan.. I have realized...Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.Evrythng that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is this ..About?

I dont know what to name this Post..Might be there are many things running in my mind....also now I am not able to restrict this topic to a particular thing...first thing this is not a post ....this is my voice and its me and again me.

Where to start..and what to..ok..Morning I was reading RGV blog and one thing catched my eye .. "we all live by accident and die by intent" I have a lot to comment on this..All the happiest moment's one has in life is by accident and happen unexpectedly..will you agree or will you not?..atleast in my case its true..I am always an expect'ist(dont know if u find this in dictionary)..from my childhood this has become a hobby of mine..I always expect a lot for every small thing.. and till date I am not successfull but still expect.. and now habituated..coz now I know the end result..I never told this to any body coz I never knew this until I analyzed my self because of a person in my life...

Small, small things catches my attention...they can be small for the one whom I cares but for me those are the sweet memories Which I can give them....confused ?..so here are few examples...

One of my relative is in love with some one whom I really dont like(might be bacause of her attitude) and for sure know that his parents even dont like..his parents were too close to me ..so that I cannot see them suffering about him In fact I dont want him to suffer later on..and I am successful in explaining him about the consequences and finally get out of that relationship..still his would be a love marriage..with the other girl with whom his parents are even happy..and now he is enjoying and his parents never know about the background work I did..but at some point if they know..I am the happiness which they have at that moment..I am happy for that.

A very good friend of mine is in crush with a girl..we see her regularly and we talk about her whenevr we are togeather in cafteria.she is a tech lead and is reserved kinda attitude.and the time has come where he is leaving thhe company and we planned some thing to give him..and we gave him..and its just a gift..I never knew how much he felt that for a gift...but half an hour before he is leaving... the girl whom we always talk about came to our zone and wished him all the best infront of our whole team..with a cute big smile and simple shakehand..I was speachless and even he was..the happiness In his eyes will be remembered for long than a gift we gave himm...Before me approaching that girl for this help..I never thought how she would feel coz I am not bothered about that Girl, I am always botherd about the friend of mine...I remember "U ASK ...U GET". But I Should thank her for everything..and I know THANKS is a small word.

They are many such Incidents...few friends of mine said I was mad in my thoughts...and they even asked me How can I think that stupid..In the first case above few asked me y Am I encouraging him..when I know he will suffer..The Answer is "If I started comndeming ..do you think he will share any thing about his relation? "... In the second case above friends me approaching that girl they asked me "why would she care for your friend ship?"...yes I agree..but we humans live with some sentiments..If we can convey them in a right manner every one values those...I dont know how many of u agree But I believe in this and Succeeded most of the time..Many asked me Why I was doing all theseee....I dont have any answer to give them..But when I started thinking why I am doing all theseee...Since my childhood there is a particular day every year I wanna a celebrate heavily...and offcourse expect a good gift...Because of the circumstances..It nevr happened..It never happened since 20 years..All these 20 years evry year that passed gave a bad memories to remember...I missed the small expectation which always carried a big pain.The day I am talking about is my "BIRTHDAY".unknowingly that Influenced me in many ways.

This Year 2009 She gave me a surprise..Infact happiness..And I dont know if I have any other word in english..to describe this feeling...I never expected that...Feb 23 I remember somebody calling my friend some where around 11:00 pm..he suddenly went out and I know I will be alone this birthday...and I was bit unhappy and simply sleeping....When I am not in a good mood..that will be reflected in my face..and people catch it soon....at 12...I cut a cake which she has sent and it is not from bangalore but from HYD...and a good shirt...These 2 are nothing..If I would not have be feeling bad.. being alone...She is there all the time with me ...during my though days and during my happiest moments..but I never told her She is Important to me..I nvr said I care her..I never said I luv her..And I nvr knew if some body cared for me more than her...and guys she is my "SISTER" Recently She droped me the below mail...I know I am the cause for her tears while composing this mail...


you have spoke many things but u did not hear me , and it is also difficult to speak some things so i am posting u this.....so let me tell u .....firstly u said u did not like ,me telling that i will return the money.but let me tell u.i felt my self respect there....and i promise i will never repeat this....secondly u said i feel that u did not care for me....ya,its true.when i spoke that lines i felt so but not now.....because, u know me ,i always wanted u to be very close with me.i dont know whether u remember or not i always used to tell u about swathi's brother, u used to tell me that u dont like such kind.as time passed i thought u are of such kind that u cant express ur feelings.and i was used to it.,,,,,,,,,,but when i came here i came to know of things which i did not expect from u.... i dont know whether u remember or not ..i used to see ur messages....and now i agree that i did that act every day.i know it is bad.but still i did.but let me tell u one thing i saw only those msgs which came from pinky and which u sent for pinky...first time i saw it accidently. from then i started to see daily...and the msg i saw for first time was "u mean a lot to me,and today i am like this because of u." i did not understand this. and i saw ur reply .i dont remember it exactly but it is really very consoling.......... in the hard times of my life u never consoled me, and u never tried to know the feelings of mine.... in fact u scolded me when i was crying........and in those msgs which u sent her, u used to say gud morning, all the best.and many more things which u felt,they were encouraging,caring and every thing. in all those msgs i saw u the way which i want u to be, but not with me but with pinky. i did not get this.....i thought when u can be in such a way to her why cant u be with me? what's wrong with me....and i thought of telling u the same...i tried many times but i could not...its not that easy ...i used to talk to u indirectly many times but u did not get it.....and u used to tell me a couple of times"dont expect anything from me." u left to london afterwards.and i thought about this then i felt i was wrong not u .and may be i felt this way as i was possesive .and sarat used to tell me frequently that i am becoming possesive in this issue.and i agree to this because i am possesive regarding my family .after wards i realised this and thought i should not be so....

before i used to hav the concept that the people whom i love should love me the same way.afterwards i changed and followed ur line...... dont expect....and stopped expecting...and loving the people whom i like the same way as before......and left the rest ot it to them......but to tell frankly after that i was very happy.....now i hav no complaints......now i am used to it..... i feel embrassed when u say some things to me. .

To say during all this phase i know that u love me.but i did not get why u were so unexpressive with me while u wre so with someone else...to say during the last few years u did not give me the chance to know about u neither u gave me the chance to speak about me.....may be u might hav developed individuality or may be its the age difference or the gender difference.......think none of us were wrong ...may be were are brought up like that.

and lastly i loved two people very much one was u and the other was sarat......and i was hurt very badly because of u and learnt somethings in life to be happy....and u were the people who made me tough...and i dont blame u people because it was me who messed up ...in one way u people made me the way i should be in the present society....................... these days i am happy because u were speaking some of the things ...

ur loving sis


Friends What do you feel reading this email... Yeah Ur correct ...Yes I am ... I am stupid...Guys this is not a letter from a sis to a brother and its not only to me....It is to every one who is not expressive to their beloved ones...and the person at the other end will only know the pain..We know we care for them..They even know we care for them but small small lovable words from you make them happy... I know a friend of mine who is behaving the same way I did to my sis..I dont know if she finds herself when reading this..Hope she recognise herself..If you care for some one go to them and tell them How much you care them..it can be friends, it can be ur parents..it can be any one else...Every one knew that you love them the most..And they will feel it only when you tell them...which they never expect from you..Emooo at some point ...you wanna tell them and at that moment they may not be with you..."You will never know the pain until that person moves away from your life..and then if you feel also.... it doest make sense...live to the moment"...Finally Dont behave foolishly like me. I gave evrything to every one when required and evn when not required...But to my sis...I gave "           ".

My post is not complete without writing some thing about her..she is someone whom I unknowingly think about almost all the time.she is the one who induced the word "dream" and Introduced the word "HOPE" into a small little word of mine..I am selfish in choosing her and she is even selfish in choosing her destination... hmmmmm...kkk I am not authorised ..... so NO COMPLAINTS..NO DEMANDS....chooodoooo  na yaar kuch aur baath karthee...

Guys please..I am not a writer..I dont like somebody calling me like that..Please feel my thoughts rather than calling me a writer...or simply understand if these make sense...I am not expressive..so Might be because of that I will take some time to think and speak..But I am changing...And Promise will change..I will take some time...Please be with me .. I dont wanna a miss you ... and finally luv you guys.


Note: I dont want any one to call me or discuss about these with me..Please understand..If you have any thing..Keep a comment..Let it be simple

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hello Friends, I ever know that this BLOG(thoughts) of mine would make you think for while..and if it is doing it..I am a happy person. I never expected this response...I promise I will never pen down anything for somebody..If I start doing it I am afraid that I would manipulate things unknowingly…So everything I pen down in this space are my thoughts and Incidents in my life that I associate to some topic selected.. And I write everything here..just only to kill my lonely time with which I am not COMFORTABLE all the time.

My post for this time is “ATTITUDE”… I selected this bcoz almost every day I think about this word … and this word keeps me conscious in every action I do. Here I would engrave two things firstly “What is ATTITUDE to me” and secondly “What is MY ATTITUDE”

"What is Attitude to me.."
I will keep my thought of looking at Attitude but don’t curse me if that makes no sense.. for example I f we look at a tree...the roots of it are spread so deep since ages.. with its past experiences and because of which you see Flowers and fruits exposed outside. For me roots seems to be "ATTITUDE" which you could never see but the actions you do and the decisions you make depend on the same..

Attitude is some kind of approach which can draw people to u or move away people from you…To keep it simple Attitude is your original character.

I can quote you a example..You went to somebody house and you found RS 10000 on the floor and those other people never noticed it and you have every chance to take it…. Everybody is fond of money.. Don’t you?..But the ones who organize themselves and give value to ethics and leave the money as it is are Classified as good people(with +ve attitude).and who got persuasive to that money and accomidate it ..are Classified as bad  One(with –ve Attitude)…here the Classifying line is…a decision of you taking the money or u not taking it ..I have a question now.. To what extent it is correct to atleast have a thought of having that money?..leave about ur decision of having it or not, it is secondary. I leave that to your wisdom.

I can quote you a similar example..this time it is restricted to guys…We watch many movies ... How many of you don’t see a heroine with a bad thought or bad intention? Again I dont need an answer, answer urself. The one who has control over himself’s and forget it after the movie is portrayed as GOOD and the other who simply lives in a world of having the same intention and talking about the same is portrayed as BAD. I believe Everyone is a criminal by heart but its the Attitude which classifies the people either good or bad.

There is nothng we could do about how people react to us, All we can do is control the mode in which we react, So that atleast others won’t react pessimisticly . I belive Attitude is some thing for sure you won’t get it in a day, it is built with your good or bad experiences in your past , it is like a Dairy of your past and is a Voice of your present.

Guys you should tell me this…...I cannnot simply go ahead and say its my attitude but can say How I  try building it...

Quotes, Movies, Chatting with Friends..these are the sources of my learning’s and they contribute much to my attitude..A simple quote on a chat bandar can draw my attention...I can give you some examples of the above and how they effect me…

“Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day”...(poster in the busstop)
“He is nothing” has no meaning from the Time I took the above seriously. I stopped complaining about any body and stopped gossiping about others.

“I don’t desire anything which I don’t deserve, If I Deserve Some thing I will make sure I will get it”.....(Cousins orkut profile)
This quote has completely changed my lifestyle…If I think of giving up anything at some point this will never allow me to give up. It always says U DESERVE IT.

Movies (Dialogues)
Everything that happens good is because of a person not because of GOD (Jeevitham lo machee adee jarigina adee manishe vallaee devudu valla kadu) (Some recent flop movie)
Even this influenced me much. I started showing affection in my conversations and started finding new acquaintances…at the end what matters is how many remember you and how you are remembered

No Matter how big is the sky, It seems to be small for a wing of a small bird                       (Akasam entha peddadina…rivvu manna guvva pilla raekka mundu chinadaenuraaa) (Siriveennala seethrama shastry lyrics)
There is nothing big we cannot achieve, Its all about how you look at it.  when a small bird is not giving up thinking about the huge sky..why do you think of giving up for a small problem which is not even worth comparing with sky..I started comparing myself with the little bird when I feel...that I am giving up..and it always worked

There is one person..whom I owe a lot...He is never a friend of mine...I can call him my guardian, His acquintance is a gods gift...I am not naming him here As I have a plan of separate post for him...

I will tell you a Incident..which tells us his attitude..and the same influencing me..

We were going to a shop nearby walking....a group of 4 of 5 people came to us asking if we know Hindi.  I know why they asked that..and I even know their expectation..coz I have came across these type of people many times..and the very next moment they tell you they were lost here and wanted to go to their native place for which they need money......Hope everyone has this type of experience....I simply moved away from them...and this guy stopped..and started listening to them..I am afraid this guy would donate some..I went up to him and said this is alll scrapp....but he is still listening to them and gave 300 rs...I was like frustrated...and he is still listening to them...those people were asking for 400 more..Infact I felt they were demanding..But this guy gave some amount again and sent them.....I started shouting at him...what the hell is he doing...I know he is into some financial issues...I was questioning him and telling himm alll that is allllll   scrap...also arguing why he gave them ..inspite of me telling to him beforeee ?...he simply answered.."I know I will get fooled 99 times, But atleast 1 person who is really in that need will be benifited and I am happy for that".  Guys how many of you find a person like this these days.. and dont you think That I should be proud of having this guy in my life...?

The above things are only few things that made me think..and change..They are many such things and this static page for sure cannot accomidate all those... These are few things which we always come across in our daily life and we just ignore them...I even watch flop movies..coz most of the a messages I took is from them(Might be while watching hit movies I concetrate on the story..not sure).....I like making new acquitances..this shows me my caliber of approach towards others..every new good friend in my life is my acheivement, my asset, my happiness,(isnt it a good feeling.. when u think of a staranger whom you never know before in this busy vast world caring you...listening to you ..admiring you? ) ...Friends forward me a lot of mails on some good stories, quotes, cartoons...I remember very few of those and those will keep my failure away from me most of the time...they never allow me to give up. This is how I feel I am building my Attitude......Some times when I think about ....where I am. in life..its always pleasent for me and I feel I am always lucky in getting what I want..starting from my Mobile, Bike, Friends, Job, well wishers. relatives....ETC. If you want something you should work in getting that something..When Something existed..damm sure there should also be a way to get that something exists...and your job is to just find that way out..If you remember this you will realisseee that no problem exists without a solution.

Finally.. Always think about what you LEFT, not what you LOST and Never agree that you were wrong, Instead tell them what you tried.

Sometimes ..what you hate ..gives you some thing usefull..I started this post saying I am not comfortable with my lonliness and  only because of that I could write this big essay answer. Now I feel only when you are alone the way you look at world differs.....Will you Agree?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is life.......

Hello to everyone on this page..Previous posts of mine were the Incidents in my Life..those would be meaningful to the persons who knew me …its just another junky blog for the rest of the world…Now I wanted to keep in something which makes sense to everyone. I am not here to Impress anyone..or educate anyone..I am here to keep in my thoughts and kill my time..only my time.

I choose and prefer to write something about this four letter word “LIFE”… where everyone has different approach and different definition on their own..”WHAT you mean by LIFE?”..I have asked this question to many of my acquaintances, friends, relatives, and even strangers ..Most of the time I never got the answers but got the definitions..saying..Life is a GAME, Life is a CHALLENGE…Life is this ..and Life is that..YES I completely agree with them and they are good quotes..”Life is me myself..Impacting others either positively or negatively” this is my answer to the above question.. … I can elaborate you on this with few real time instances….

Mohan das Karamchand Gandhi…Adlof Hitler ..they doesn’t need an introduction and are the great personalities of the world history even today. Now I have a question here.. Why Gandhi is called MAHATMA and why is Hitler just a Hitler? Give a thought and you would understand…

There is a incident I can quote here.. I was traveling in a tube, on my way to Office in london.. I have a habit of saying HI to the ones sitting beside me, and this continued even that day and in response other man Introduced himself as KALAM and when I enquired about his full name he said it’s “ABDUL KALAM”…Automatically I started giving him much attention and till date he is a good friend of mine…WHY DID I GAVE HIM MUCH ATTENTION that day?..When I ask this myself today..the answer I have is..Probably I started relating him with our ex president ABDUL KALAM..by his name initially, As I have positive impression towards KALAM might be that would have been carried forward to that person and that might have resulted in pleasant communication . What if the same GUY introduced himself as “MUSHRAFF”..would he be a friend of mine?..for sure NO because..I would have started relating him with mushraf initially…and my conversation would have been the other way (the feeling which I have on mushraff influences me and directs me that way)…..Both are presidents, why do we respond differently at each of them? what is the dividing line that differentiate both of them ?

Most of the time its human tendency that we start relating people by some attributes (good or bad) to someone who has influenced us or impacted us(positively or negatively). People even start relating others with you at some point of your LIFE, now its upto you, how you want to be related, respected and remembered for the rest of your life and even after your life…

I also want to engrave my Approach Towards Life. Knowingly or Unknowingly almost all the time we search for happiness throughout our life, instead of creating it for ourselves. I am even afraid sometimes we alter the meaning of happiness and live in the false world. We make the things complicated..we give importance to our ego’s which dominates our feelings and emotions.

Every one of us have dreams..and we consider them only DREAMS and pay no attention… remember even the tough journey of 100 steps would start with a normal single step.

I would quote a example here. I observed a guy very closely in my life..they belong to a normal middle class family..Things used to be fine if they don’t have any unexpected expenses..The good part is he joined ENGG and his sister even joined her bachelors…for the world this family is above middle class and is well established. I remember a day where they doesn’t even have bowl rice to fill their stomachs ..I can never forget his mother borrowing a bowl of rice from the neighbors to feed their family, and can still remember she borrowing the sum of three rupees to send her daughter to the college…I only felt bad because I can do nothing. This guy has completed the ENGG.. luckily he got a job in a MNC where his pay is 4.5k per month but he should give a bond for 5 years… he cant say no to it because of the circumstances he is in…he used to convey me all the dreams he has..but none of them seem to be real..I used to simply listen coz its costs me nothing. I met him recently and now he says most of things which he told me were in place…He has a good job where his sal is nearly 16 times of his intial sal and he has bought some land which he promised that he would get it in the next 5 years…I was happy to hear this from him and I was almost into tears when I think of his past….The guy whom I was portraying till now is ME MYSELF…….. This is not to convey I am successful, But to convey, until you know the pain and feel the importance of something, you will never try something hard.. Keep pessimism out of your life no matter how hard life is ..

Never forget that it is natural for people to forget to be grateful, so if we go around expecting gratitude, we are headed straight for lots of heartaches. So keep a note of not expecting any thing from others. And then if you get it occasionally, welcome it as a surprise and enjoy it. Believe me, keeping yourself on a neutral approach towards others and expecting less in return can make your life happier and better off. If you longed for love, happiness and gratitude, the only way in this world that you can ever be loved is by stop asking for it and start pouring out with a hope of return. So just don’t think much and try it out. Do you know that the most important thing in life is not to capitalize on your gains but to make profit from your losses. So keep working and derive happiness from your life

Today I am still waiting for someone which I never knew that can be mine and you guys know who that is..I live in hope yesterday, today and even tomorrow…And at some point of time I should even answer my emotions and control them and now I don’t have an answer to convey them…

Something Good that happens in your life is because of a person..so see every acquaintance of your’s to be happy. Give them surprises..which they could never expect…these are some things which others will never forget……..have fun……enjoy..lead ur life

Monday, October 5, 2009

CRUSHeees of my life--1

Ok ....finally I made up my mind to introduce you guys... CRUSHeees of my life..before starting let me tell you I would be posting 3 parts  and also let me tell you my defination of "CRUSH"..and its not a single solid defination I have .... :-) coz..I never heard about CRUSH when I was in my schooling..but I have couple of them there.hahaa..and I even dont know the meaning of it when I was into my +2...still I have one there. The same in case of my engineering...After that I came to know what exactly the word "crush" means....and I simply started using it thereafter....Now I can tell you Ram's personal Definations of crush at regular intervals of his life... :-).

Here I will be able to post the names of some but ......in few cases I donot..coz I dont want to screw up their lives now...:-).I will check If I can post you some of their pics.....So....So.......Sowhat ?....."SILENCE PLEASE"..... here goes my first crush..........

I Joined in NTS (Nalanda Talent School) for my 10th class in vizag. Its a new school ... and ours is the first batch...and you all know that the corporate education is always a hypeee..we were asked to come to the summer special classes for maths...which I am not at all intrested...as they are taking 2 hours of my lazy life...:-). Finally the day arrived from where I should sacrifice my lazy life....and the school is open only for tenth class...and on the first say I am exactly on time to school..and entered to the new class room...where every body was starring at me as if I was disturbing the whole classs... They have a reason for that...coz there is a short, thin old man facing the board drawing some thing...turned to me and said "You are late by thirty minutes on the first day, Go and have your seat"..I never cared him ...went to last corner of the room and I know that it is the suitable place for scanning and observe the whole classs....I always have an habit of observing people and guessing their attitude.....I am lost some where and was back to my senses when a samll peice of chalk was hit on my head and a voice shouting "Stand UP"....again..I was made a velon infront of the whole class....I never understood why this fucking old man was targeting me.....This time I felt emabarassing in front of the crowd..coz I could found a couple of pretty girls in my previous scan...:-). From that moment I started concentrating at the old man..and found his lecture intresting...and he is creating some kind of intrest...after a couple of days Came to know that he is the best Techer for maths for the entire VIZAG and his name is "RAMA KRISHNA".

This Old man has a bad habit of conducting tests every sunday...we are into last day of the first week and we gave our first test.. I prepared ..but not sure if thats fine..This man is so quick that he brought the corrected papers the very next day. I am literally scared..coz he has already made me a famous velon infront of the whole crowd a couple of times... he gave all the papers and was holding two in his hand.. I am sure that one is mine and started seaching for the other pale face coz that other paer should be his..Then he anounced that the topper is "Satyendra"...hmm I am confused now..coz if he is the topper what the hell is he doing with my paper..I Confirmed myself that he is ready to screw me once again...This time he called "RamachandraVarma"...A short boy from the back stood up with confusion reflecting in his face..he again said "This is the person who presented the paper so well.. and is even the highest"..he showed the paper to the total class..Confusion vanished and conquered by surprise...He made me a HERO....and from the next day people started comming to me for doubts....and for the same I used to do a lot of hard work at home..I am telling you all theseee...coz...he made me a heroo..and offcourse every hero has a love story....

Out of the girls who were good from my previous scan ...some how I am showing Interest towards a particular girl.....by name "PUSHPA" who is very much reserved....I should start some where so i bunked the school for a day..and the next day Directly went to her asking for here maths note book...she looked at me strangely for a sec and said "I am even absent yesterday".....I dont have a reaction in my face...then gave her a cute smilee..thats what I can do at that movement..and as usual was telling hi to her from the next day. She never showed her interest for even saying HI back... but I never gave up..I was absent for the three days this time and directly went to the same girl for the same notes...this time she donot have any other option apart from giving me her notes...the communication started and some thing went fine with us...i never told her that I have a "crush" on her.. as I never knew the meaning of it then.... :)... the Only thing I know is "LOVE"...this word has a lot of weightage at that time...because if somebody like somebody its called LOVE during that timee......days went on for few months...I never updated her about my so called feeling called LOVE..One day I took the freedom of going to her house for returning the note book of her's...She was standing outside..I was happy seeing her and she never noticed me...Even me before me knocking the doorbell the door opened .. a lady is out and thought that should be her mother...I said "Auunnn" before me completing the sentence she started shouting at me...about something..she was asking my name , my father's name, my addresss...she never stopped asking questions for almost five minutess...I never understood why she did not ask me about my PINCODE..becausee that is the only deatil she forget to ask. me..I thought I would say her even that and run away from that placeee.haahaa :-).....The next day I met this girl in school and she asked me "Are you Kshtriya's ?" ..I asked her why she was asking that..she very slowly said "My mother said you are a kshtriya"...... I am likeee schocked at her mother analysis...and then later came to know..this girl would be a SIS of mine if I go through my CASTE.... : -(.

A story of tragedy............right guys?

The reason for CRUSH here might be "good looking or some type opp sex attraction". Dont ask me for definition....coz I donot know what it is by that time

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Memories of my childhood......

He is a "BAD BOY"...This is what many might tell you if you enquire about my childhood and thats true :-). Every memory that I have or every thing that I could remember about my so called childhood is ..SCRAP. Yes you heard it right. I post you some of the incidents so that you can even confirm that its really SCRAP...

• My small dad (chinana) was put up in VIZAG and I was sent to him for my education..Education is a big word...LKG and UKG are the right words :-). Even me before me reaching there...There is one more lad who is already there for the same purpose..and an year senior than me..he is into his UKG :-)..Sorry for not introducing him as my cousin and he is DECENT. I would like to dedicate a separate post for him and he is WORTH it. He is a great companion....I will post you few of those pics..I remember the school we joined is somewhere 400 mtrs from the house were we lived in. Its dammm boring thing going to the school which has hell alot of rules for which we are not habituated to..If we go late by a min ..Watchman would be standing outside the school gate which is locked and keys in his hands and we standing in the sun for hours..This used to happen atleast once a week for us as I am the laziest...and my small dad is a criminal in punishing us for the same.....:-). Days passed and we got habituated. the only positive point about us is we are good at studies..One Day we started to school and could not reach in time..As usual watch man with the long dense mustache standing outside the gate with a grin on his face..and we are supposed to wait for 2 hours in the sun which is unbearable....At that moment my intelligent brain was matured enough of bunking school and go to the relatives house near by...and stating them a reason saying "Rama akka ekkada adukomandeee"..they believed the same and we enjoyed till the afternoon..I remember that day is few days after Diwali we were simply collecting the used rockets, crackers and simply enjoying..but there is something running in my back ground saying we are in a trouble.....After giving a good thought I was afraid and could remember that our grand ma would bring the carriage in the afternoon for us and she could make out that we are not in the School. So discussed with my cousin and went to school in the afternoon..The real fun started now.....usually in the afternoon there will be a line for the parents to go into the school and feed their children..,,We in a hurry Joined the same line..in which our Grand ma standing back of us...The caretaker was surprised to see us in the queee...she thought we left home as we are late..she is even confused why we were standing in the queee and why our grand ma is in the same queuee at the last..She waited for our grandma...approached her with curiosity .... and reveled her the total story......Now the film is into its climax.....She is literally shocked she never expected us bunking the school and I could still remember her expression....we ate the carrier..she never scolded us or she never talked to us...she simply left to home...We are happy that we managed everything. School finished in the evening..We went home with pride that we did some thing wrong and even managed it..we are under an assumption that this old lady covers everything and will not communicate everything at home.....By the time we went home we could find two baskets full of our clothes neatly packed and my small dad sitting like a Silent TIGER ready for its prey.. which is ready to Tear every one who comes in..Unfortunately I am the culprit :).....and my clever cousin..told him the total story...as it is with dialogues...Finallllllllllyyyyy...We were asked to remove our clothes...take the baskets which were already neatly packed and get out of the house...and we started walking on the road with no clothes...guys remember our age is 3 or 4 at that time...so no jokes...:-)..finally big brother came down and took us home.....

The point here to be noted is ..me getting an idea of bunking the school..and after that my thought of plastering the sameee..that tooo at the age of 3 :-)..The other funny point also to be noted is...We still maintained the ratio of our heights even after 23 years...hahaa... :)

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