About Me

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This one is the most frequently updated columns in my profile..Its not that I keep changing..but that I discover more of me with time... Sometimes I kind of get lost in my thghts in the world which I call my own...while ppl get lost in territories unknown to them ! Its not that I run away from reality...but isnt the wrld in dreams a better choice? I live a happy and hassle free life.Reason-I have a bad memory Confusion has been a constant companion in my life...to the extent that I love being confused..:-) Talking about love..I love myself, I love the ones who hates me..and also love the ones who doesnt know me because its costs me nthng.... :-)Thats how I am nd canot be changed..I am not evrythng I wish I could be but I am everything I need to be.I am just me and I like it that way..:)I don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.Sochti hi jyada,Kam main samjti huan...Dil kuch kehta hain,kuch aur he karti huan.. I have realized...Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck.I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me.Evrythng that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"The capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions". This the meaning you would get if you google my title. Always all the time knowingly, unknowingly, or with Passion we get Influenced by others and on that we build our character and we will carry it till the end of our life.

The time we are born we dont know what character is, We grow observing  both postive and negative actions or emotions of others which will have impact on ourself. If we like those we embed those in ourself and we try Immitating those at times and move on.If we dont like those we still remember those actions and they would be our benchmarks which we never can be or want to be or should not be..

I am not exemption, I get influenced very soon and I take an xtra step and start Imitating the perons from whom I got influenced. its general human tendency. I still remember the film "Idiot" a telugu film which had a great influence..Rather I can call it as Impact on me. when I say impact I inadvertently I  started inherting the characteristics of  the hero "Ravi Teja" I could only sense that when my friends said that I talk the way he did and though I know that is not my real charecterstics I could not giv it up coz they that is registered were already embeded in me.The recent experience is ..I took a friend of mine to some restaurant...while speaking to that friend...she asked me if I could stop acting like "SURESH"  and by the way SURESH is my previous Project manager who is a good...and I like the way he handles every one especially with the series of questions he posssess and try to get the exact things from the reesources. I am attracted to the way he deals with individuals and his conversations.......comming to the topic. till then I never knew that he has some infkuence on me..and from that time when I think if I really copied him?...My answer is YES...they are few words and expressions that were copied and rooted in me..few such words are  the way he spells "Agreed"  "Yes or NO"....the way he raises his eyebrows and show his hands to tell us "U deceide "... Finally what I am trying to draw here is.......

Your LIFE... and the way you are LIVING now... is copied or influenced from/by others with some built in qualities of yours.  feel free to comment if you dont agree.

We blindly belive the things that majority of the people belive...here I can quote an example of GOD From our childhood we were told that there exist a supernatural person who is controling the world? I have a different opnion on this..which might sound a bit ODD to you guys but thats what I belive..I have few questions for you now....

Does GOD exists? If your answer is "Yes" ..What does he do?  if ur answer is "he will help us in difficulties and punish the Wicked" then  What is he doing when the small little girl Vaishnavi is was packed in a plastic box and was dumped in a boiler of 1000 degree centigrade? (For the people who dont know Vaishnavi, She is a daughter of a politician cum busineess man. She is kidnapped and was crueally killed . she is some 8 years old ) If you are genuine enough now answer this urself...Do you think she has done some thing seriously wrong for which the so called GOD took her away from this world in such a cruel way? then dont you think even he is cruel? do you think she at the age of 8 will be able to think what is really good and bad? ... Though she is bad.does she deserve that kinda punishment .. do you think the one who killed her is a Human? if not what do u call GOD....I dont mind if you get me wrong...My point here is to say we belive the concept of god which is agreeable..but if we say he is the one who is driving the world and is responible for the universe...I dont AGREE(But this is what most of the people belive).

Lord RAMA,BUDHA, JESUS  and many others .......these are few people who are set as an example for Man kind. they are the superstars of their respective era's...example..Lord Rama is a good man and might have did many good things for which people at that time are very happy..after rama passed away his good nature is still remembered and is communicated to other genarations there after....and even today we set him as an example of a good man. This is perfectly fine...Call him GOD for the things he has done.. that is preety fine...but if you say Rama will save me if I jump into the fire, Rama will stop the evil things to happen with you if you pray him..If he is a God in literal sense why should one pray him? what about others who dont pray him? is he fine if the others who dont pray him are suffering? if yes is he not selfish? Can GOD be selfish?....just think.. is this agreeable. To me they are good humans, real time heroes who influenced many people..Thats it.I dont agree if you say the have some magical powers...who can get bread to some hundreds with a some mantra and stufff...then I call that as magic show and call him a good magician.

In real world Today GOD is a Religion, Religion is a vote bank for politicians, Religion is a revange for Laden, Religion is a revenue for governmets...greater the income from a particular temple/church/mosque etc.. that powerful is the god in that place..I pity the word "GOD" as it is even made commercial...I never understand all thesee..... because our parents and others around us say GOD is powerfull we agree and follow the same..

The above questions are the ones which I have no solid answers. If any one can please do post me and educate me in the form of comments...Till know I never prayed GOD coz I dont know what to pray. I Never understood the concept of prayer. Let me analyzee..what do we do in prayers..we chant some mantras or some words in which we praise GOD. Why should we always praise GOD? I dont know...does god like to be praised always? will he help only the ones who praise him?...NO IDEA for me..I go to temple because I belive.. one has built the temple because he is an extrodinary human being who is remebered for his good since ages..and temple atmosphere gives me a pleasent peace of mind scychlogically..People who were reading this might not have answers for few of my questions but still they belive in literal form of GOD because they are afraid that they would become an ODD MAN OUT in this society.

Ohh GOD this is becomming a big essay...Let me stop this here and continue with other things...
This is an attempt to understand few things which I never understood till now....I got influenced by many people and things. but I could not get answers for the ones I asked.....



  1. Am sorry that you still find it hard understanding God. Its a simple concept actually. I read it somewhere I don't remember. But it goes something like this.
    When the universe began some 15 billion years ago, it was in absolute simplicity. Then there was this big bang. And it began becoming more and more complex ever since. This movement of the universe is called the tendency towards complexity. Everything you see is a product of this getting complex. And the final state of complex is what some people call GOD. If you hate that word, call it the Ultimate Complexity. Whatever you call it, we are all moving towards it. So anything that promotes this complexity is GOOD and anything that hinders it is EVIL.
    Try Singularity by Rat Kurzweil.

  2. "final state of complex is what some people call GOD. If you hate that word, call it the Ultimate Complexity. Whatever you call it, we are all moving towards it." Complexity is GOD? hmmm...I didnot even understand this....It would be great if you can elobrate this...as it will not only help me but even others who read this..."GOD" in todays world is a noun..

  3. Thought of sending a mail across but as u clearly mentioned not to discuss and of course will not call you a writer.This is the first time am visiting your blog.simply awsome,gr8 posts i luved them all.Some are very inspiring Cool work.Lukin frwd to read more n more posts.Its not short n simple but cant help with my comment...rather compliment!!!


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